"Like" us on Facebook, and Insler & Hermann will donate up to $1000 to area food pantries! Between now and New Years, for every new "Like" we get on Facebook, we will donate $10 to the following food pantries (to be distributed equally):

- Tarrytown Community Opportunity Center Food Pantry
- Dutchess County Community Action Partnership
- Center for Food Action (Hackensack)
- Daily Bread Food Pantry (Danbury)
 A Message from Lew
 The conventional business wisdom is that outside of retail, "things slow down for the holidays." Not for us they don't!! We have over 30 hearings already scheduled for the New Year, and we are in the process of updating medical records for all those people and many others. We have to do this in the face of the fact that people who we are counting on to send us the records or reports are on vacation, offices are having parties, and people just aren't working as hard as they usually do. As a result, records may not be sent as quickly as they are the rest of the year!
For us December is as busy as any other month in terms of the number of people we interview and new clients we retain. The fact that we do it despite the days off for the holidays (and our office holiday lunch!) means that in some ways December is busier than other months!
Not only that, but the stress of the holidays makes people aware of their cases and we often field more than the typical number of calls from clients asking about the status of their case. The fact that families are together and their relatives are pushing them may actually spur some people to get started on filing a claim they have been putting off.
None of this is a complaint–just a different point of view than is usually seen about how the holiday season impacts on getting work done. Our clients don’t stop being disabled, so we don't stop fighting for them, no matter what the calendar says.
Happy Holidays and best wishes for a Happy New Year!
 The Holidays Can Be Really Difficult When You Are Disabled
For most of us, as we head into the holiday season and anticipate the upcoming New Year, this time of year is exciting and festive. Unfortunately, for our clients who are disabled and not working, the holiday season often brings mixed emotions and an increased sense of depression and hopelessness. Instead of joy and anticipation, they may feel worry about paying bills or their inability to remember loved ones with gifts, and dread that they may never recover their full health.
As we move through the holiday season, let's all take a moment to reach out to someone who is down on his or her luck. A small gesture like a phone call, a handwritten card, or a little bouquet of flowers can really brighten someone's day. Or, if you are able, take that extra step and offer to go grocery shopping for someone you know who has a hard time getting around. You'll be amazed not only at how good it makes that person feel, but how it changes your own perspective!
With best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!
 Our Favorite Medical Provider of the Month
A special thanks to Mount Kisco Medical Group in Mount Kisco, NY, and especially Heather Foisy, who is their Healthport rep. Heather routinely goes above and beyond to get us the medical records we need for our claims quickly. Despite the fact that she is busy and overworked, she is always helpful, concerned, and professional. Thank you, Heather and Mount Kisco Medical Group for your cooperation on behalf of our clients!
 Happy Holidays from All of Us!
